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Code of Conduct

Bespoke Surgical is committed to providing an unparalleled level of care and to treating everyone professionally, and with respect and kindness. You will find a safe, caring, and inclusive environment for everyone — our patients, visitors, physicians, nurses and staff — in all of our spaces.

Our Code of Conduct helps us achieve this goal. Our policy states:

All persons (including staff, patients, volunteers, and guests) on Bespoke Surgical properties are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and courteous manner. Disruptive behavior is prohibited and will be addressed in a manner that protects the safety and dignity of all involved.

Words or actions that are disrespectful, racist, homophobic, transphobic, discriminatory, hostile, or harassing in ANY way are not welcome at Bespoke Surgical. Examples of these include:

  • Offensive comments about others’ race, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or other personal traits
  • Refusal to see a clinician or speak with staff members based on their personal traits
  • Physical or verbal threats and assaults
  • Sexual or vulgar words or actions
  • Disrupting another patient’s care or experience

Our policy includes specific definitions of what constitutes intentionally disruptive or abusive behavior, as well as the procedure that will be followed once a report is made of a disruptive staff member, patient, volunteer or guest.

If we believe you have violated the policy with unwelcome words or actions, you will be given the chance to explain your point of view. We will always carefully consider your response before we make any decisions about future care at Bespoke Surgical. If you witness or are the target of any of these behaviors, please report it to a member of our team right away.

Some of our services require clients to be fully undressed, and, in some instances, involve touching of the genital region by the practitioner. You understand that making a solicitation of a practitioner for any sexual act is contrary to Bespoke Surgical’s policies and, in some cases, may violate the law and subject an offender to fines and imprisonment. Bespoke Surgical reserves the right to report all offers or requests for sexual services to law enforcement.



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