We provide full comprehensive STD screenings that involve oral and anal swabs, urine check, and bloodwork. We also specialize in putting corrective or protective action into place to ensure fruitful and long-lasting encounters. Visit our NYC office or give us a call to schedule STD screening services today.
Understanding the human papilloma virus (HPV) and its pathologies of both anal warts and/or carcinoma allows for risk stratification by evaluating HPV sub-typing, genome testing, anal pap smears, and high resolution anoscopic examination. Utilization of these innovative tests allows for a comprehensive treatment plan.
We recommend full comprehensive STD screenings that involve oral and anal swabs, urine check, and bloodwork to take place at least once a quarter. Since infectious issues may be present without systemic positivity, i.e. the blood work may all be normal, we also check for issues locally within the anal cavity, throat, and urine. Swabs are taken, along with the above HPV testing, to better characterize issues that may be present and allow an appropriate remedy to be formed specific to each client encountered.
When we utilize thorough, specific testing, with a comprehensive exposure risk assessment – one’s identity, relationship type, sexual habits, desires, etc. – an appropriate conversation and plan can be developed, putting corrective or protective action into place, all in the hopes of fruitful and long-lasting encounters.
For anyone engaging in receptive anal intercourse, it is especially important to be conscientious of your pelvic floor. Being proactive about the overall well being of your pelvic floor can help you to avoid issues that may arise as a result of anal play and aging. As such, annual pelvic health screenings are a recommended preventative measure you can take to stay healthy. Using painless anal manometry tests, year over year changes can be detected. With this information in hand, a treatment plan can be developed before serious symptoms emerge.
When it comes to COVID-19 testing, we believe the stance should be similar to STD’s. That’s why Bespoke Surgical is now offering Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic testing intended for the qualitative detection of COVID-19. We are advocating for clients to get a comprehensive STD evaluation at least once a quarter, including the new, active COVID-19 nasal swab test. Depending on your level of risk, we will work with you to determine whether you should undergo this protocol more or less frequently.
When you come in for your test, our RN will insert a long Q-tip-like swab into either nostril (whichever is easiest since some people have deviated septums) to the back of the nasal passageway or what’s considered the oropharynx. It is swabbed and swirled for approximately 10 seconds to obtain enough secretions to analyze. The easiest thing to do is to breathe out through the nose as the test is being performed. While the process may be slightly uncomfortable, it is not painful, and tearing and/or a runny nose is a common reaction. Results are delivered in 24 hours.
We also encourage our clients to have their partners get tested, too. Of course, unlike STD’s, you will still have to follow common guidelines, like social distancing, to minimize your risks when in public settings. Patients should consult with their insurance carrier prior to testing regarding coverage for the laboratory portion of their visit. No one, regardless of whether you have insurance, will pay more than $200 for this test.
We are now offering COVID-19 antibody blood testing to those who request it. This test will determine the presence of both the IgG and the IgM antibodies in the blood that are produced by the body in response to SARS-CoV-2 virus. Therefore, the result will also confirm whether or not the patient has positively had the COVID-19 virus, and now has the antibodies that could potentially prevent re-infection.
The test is performed by taking a blood serum sample before it is sent out to the laboratory we contract with to be analyzed. The serum blood draw test provided at Bespoke Surgical is 97% accurate, versus the pin-prick rapid test, which is 85% accurate. Patients should consult with their insurance carrier prior to testing regarding coverage for the laboratory portion of their visit; however, we do also offer a self-pay option, which is $100. For more information, please visit our FAQ’s.
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Dr. Evan Goldstein, D.O.
Dr. Evan Goldstein is the Founder and CEO of Bespoke Surgical, NYC’s leading sexual health private practice. He received his osteopathic doctorate from the University of Medicine and Dentistry School in 2002 and completed his residency in General Surgery at Maimonides Medical Center. In 2020, he was named one of NYC’s top LGBTQ+ business leaders by Crain’s New York and he is involved with GLSEN, ACRIA, HRC, and Callen-Lorde’s Howard J. Brown Society. All of these experiences and affiliations have shaped his whole-life approach towards the practice of private surgical care and sexual wellness.
Read More Dr. Evan Goldstein’s NPI record Click to send an email to egoldstein@bespokesurgical.com
This page was medically reviewed by Dr. Evan Goldstein on November 13, 2020.
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