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Anal Dilation Exercise Protocol

Periodic dilating using the following techniques is key for injury prevention, as well as to help you reach your personal anal goals.

For further information regarding dilation exercises, backdoor play, pooping, anal douching, diet, grooming and more, feel free to check out Dr. Goldstein’s debut book, Butt Seriously, the butt bible for anyone with a booty.

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The Preparation

  • Dilator Kits can be purchased online from the shop on our website. You can choose from an array of options at various price points, all of which have been carefully selected by Dr. Goldstein (although the Future Method Glass Anal Dilator Set and the Future Method Anal Cone are his favorites for these exercises).
  • In addition to these kits, you will find a selection of lubes, also available for purchase. Lube is essential for anal play and it’s important that you find one that’s high quality. Please use either a water-based lube or a silicone-based lube – whichever one is compatible with the material of your dilation kit.
  • When you dilate and/or bottom, adequately lubing your entire anal canal is an important step to help decrease friction and thus minimize injury. This is where lube shooters can help fill the void (literally). These lube applicators take away the guesswork. By applying lube internally into the anal canal, it sets the stage for successful engagements by placing the lube in the anatomically correct locations. Not only will there be less risk of injury, but each thrust will feel better for everyone involved, even if you’re just using toys on your own.
  • Some people prefer to douche before bottoming or using toys. If you decide to, we recommend Future Method Anal Douche Powder Packs, as this is the only douche scientifically developed just for anal sex (*disclaimer: Dr. Goldstein is the co-founder).
  • Feel free to dilate in the bathroom right before a shower (for clean-up purposes), on the bed with a towel, or any setting that is most comfortable for you. Some mild discomfort, blood-spotting and/or local irritation is normal during your initial attempts. If there is persistent pain and/or bleeding, then do not force it. Please stop, wait a day or until this has subsided, and try again. If issues persist, please contact our office.
  • It’s important to understand the purpose behind using glass dilators and cone. The glass dilators are used more for learning relaxation of the muscles, while also training the skin to become tougher and more responsive. Similarly, the cone allows the external skin to be optimally stretched, allowing more room to enter. We typically recommend people use both apparatuses, starting with the glass dilators and then introducing the cone only after you’ve graduated to the medium- to large-sized dilator. They work in two different mechanisms, both with the goal of better and more optimized bottoming.

The Routine

  • First, take a healthy amount of lube (there’s no such thing as too much) and apply it to both your hole and your smallest dilator.
  • Slowly insert the dilator about 4 – 5cm (or up to 2 inches) inside until you meet resistance. You only need that much to pass the anal muscles.
  • Hold it there for 3 – 5 seconds, slowly remove it, re-lube it, and then repeat.
  • These steps should be repeated 8 – 12 times in each set, and you would do 2 – 3 sets per session (just like a traditional workout).
  • If it slides in and out nicely, over time, you can go in further, especially if the goal is to use it sexually.
  • It’s not advisable to insert a butt plug-shaped dilator (one with a small neck) all the way in since the narrow neck of the butt plug can go beyond the outer muscle, which can cause unnecessary strain upon removal. If using the Future Method Glass Dilator Set, this is not an issue as there is no neck.
  • If you climax during a session, that’s perfectly fine. Just remember that the usual reflex during climax is to contract all muscles, so try to resist complete contraction at first in order to gain better control of these muscles.

The Schedule

  • As mentioned above, you’ll do 8 – 12 reps in each set, and you would do 2 – 3 sets at a time per session.
  • Each session should only last for about 3 – 5 minutes, and you’ll do 2 – 3 sessions per week to start.
  • The smallest dilator in your kit should be used for the first 2 weeks. You might feel like you can take more, but don’t. Right now, the key is to get both the skin and the muscles in the anal region used to dilating and friction.
  • For the following 2 weeks, you may graduate to using both the small and medium sizes.
  • This is when we would advise you also add in the cone to your routine. Remember: it’s the same as the with the glass dilators, just now you’re working a different mechanism.
  • After those four total weeks, you’ll move on to the largest size, if that’s in the cards for your future play. Otherwise, the largest size isn’t necessary.
  • The goal is to reach a depth of approximately 1.5 – 2 inches using each dilator.
  • You may increase your schedule to dilating once a day after you have successfully dilated with the largest size for two weeks, if this is comfortable for you.
  • After comfortably dilating for about 4 – 6 weeks, you should be ready for anal sex with a partner.

The End Game

  • Once you’ve mastered anal dilation, an important part of achieving great anal sex is to remember: Pre-Dilation, Deep Lubrication, and Full Relaxation are the three best ways to help increase your chances of a smooth and successful ride. You’ll also want to choose your partner(s) wisely.
  • Once you’re ready, use the plugs alone (prior to engaging with someone else) or during play, and always make sure you are the one in control. This is best achieved by sitting on top of your partner, which allows you to more easily control the depth and speed of penetration. The key is gradual insertion with patience and skill, with you in the driver’s seat. It may take a few sessions to fully accept all of your partner, but once you feel comfortable, you can switch to different positions or give your top more control.

One Last Tip for Bottoms

The best bottoms bottom frequently (as often as 2 – 3 times per week), or use this dilating routine as an alternative to the real thing. Why? Because, just like any other muscle, if it’s not used, you’ll find yourself having to start at the beginning again.

As you feel more comfortable bottoming, while you are dilating, you can add contraction exercises to make sure you keep a good tone in the area. To do this, simply squeeze around the toy, holding it for a count of 3, and then relaxing. 2 sets, a few times a week, is paramount to the long-term success of your hole.

For more information, feel free to browse our Education Hub for tons of great information on this topic and other helpful anal concerns.



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