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Comprehensive Guide to Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids are an incredibly common yet often misunderstood condition that many people face at some point in their lives. Whether they’re caused by straining during bowel movements, prolonged sitting, improper lifting techniques while exercising, or anal intercourse, the discomfort and inconvenience they bring can significantly impact your day-to-day life. The good news? Most hemorrhoids can

January 06, 2025 by bespoke

Tales from the Tail: Not Seeing Hole to Hole

I do not wanna talk bad about my ex, but (you knew there was a but), he had a small cock. Me (the bottom) plus his cock? It was more than manageable. Sometimes so accommodating that I didn’t feel a fucking thing. That wasn’t why we broke up, though. It’s just a matter of fact. We ended things because his job required him to relocate. And now, with me being back on the dating scene, I must say that there are some rather large penises out there.

March 19, 2019 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

The Most Popular Queer Eye Member In Every State

Queer Eye Season 3 is set to hit Netflix on March 15 and the announcement has fans of the Emmy-winning show excited about catching up on all the heartwarming stories and life-changing makeover goodness with the Fab Five. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good binge-watching session? The show has propelled the members of the Fab Five to superstardom, making them icons in the industry.

March 03, 2019 by bespoke

Tales from the Tail: Get a Load of This (NSFW)

There’s a secret underground fetish of size that lives in the shadows of the gay kink world. We hide due to fear of judgement, rejection, and outright ridicule from people who would otherwise make us feel like outcasts and freaks. Quite honestly, we are.

February 26, 2019 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

Tales from the Tail: (Internal Fistulotomy for Bottoms)

Every time I take a dick up my ass, I get this burning sensation. Small, big, wrist-thick, you fucking name it, it’s all irritating. I have done everything in an attempt to mitigate this sensation: constantly changing to different lubricants, trying different brands when using condoms, and also swapping out all of my toys to so-called “improved materials”.

January 08, 2019 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

Tales from the Tail: Don’t Get Cocky with that Cock Ring

As I recounted my story with Dr. Goldstein, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself for getting *stuck* in a *tight* situation. However, what it leads to (and why it happened) is nothing to laugh at. Let’s start from the top.

December 12, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

Bespoke Surgical: A Place for All Assholes

All day, I see assholes. I don’t discriminate, I treat all assholes, regardless of gender or sexuality. Luckily, the narrative of anal intercourse has become commonplace, thanks to coverage in the popular press these days, swaying way beyond just us homos.

December 12, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

The Experience of Coming Out for LGBTQ+ Individuals

National Coming Out Day is observed each year on October 11th as a way to celebrate individuals coming out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or another identity (LGBTQ+). It began on October 11th, 1988, exactly a year after the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights took place and half a million people held a demonstration in our nation’s capital.

October 11, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

HPV Vaccine Expanded to Include Ages 27-45

Dude, my life sucked for a full year. It started after I was rimmed and from then on, I started developing some bumps on my asshole. The rimming felt fucking awesome, but when I found out the bumps were actually anal warts from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), my viewpoint quickly changed.

October 09, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

PSA: Say “No” to a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy!

Over and over we write a tale of someone who is way too fucking tight. Too tight to even take a shit, let alone think about getting a dick up the ass. And the reason we started this blog was to educate each and everyone of you, some of whom do not have the appropriate resources or access to the specialized care we provide here at Bespoke Surgical.

October 02, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

Tales from the Tail: STD Prevention in the Raw Era

When someone asks me to sum up my year in one word it’s quite simple, fucked. Lots and lots of fucking. I go through phases, just like everyone else, and I am not proud to admit how many times I got treated this year for the myriad of sexually transmitted diseases.

June 13, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

The Premiere of TailTalks Episode I

We are excited to announce the premiere of our new quarterly roundtable series, TailTalks. The idea has been over a year in the making and came about when Dr. Goldstein realized there was a lack of conversations focusing on LGBTQ+ issues that featured entrepreneurs, thought leaders, journalists, and members of the LGBTQ+ community not just from the medical world, but also from the worlds of art, fashion, entertainment, and sports.

May 24, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

How To Prevent Hemorrhoids?

First off, we all have hemorrhoids that is. Their mechanism and function is to cushion the anal region due to the increased pressures occurring with both defecation and anal play, all in the hopes of preventing injury.

May 08, 2018 by Dr. Evan Goldstein

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